Dr. Michael Pa

Dr. Michael Pa got a bachelors degree in chemistry from Binghamton University, a masters degree in organic chemistry from the University of Arizona and a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from the University of Arizona. His research focus was on novel pain killers which were more potent than morphine but designed to have fewer side effects. There may even be a patent or two that came out of it. Prior to all of this, he was a chemist at Procter and Gamble. After all of that, he (briefly) worked as a post-doctoral assistant at Syracuse University, working on novel organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). In between, he did NOT compete at the 1996 Olympics, make the Atlanta Braves opening day roster, or become the head coach of the Indiana Pacers, as he had intended. #fail During this entire time, he always loved helping students, especially if they were struggling with organic chemistry. In 2006, Dr. Pa founded AceOrganicChem.com in order to make learning organic chemistry fast and easy. 14 years and about 60,000 students later we are still helping students to learn organic chemistry one reaction at a time at https://www.aceorganicchem.com

Know the “normal” state for common organic atoms [3 rules to live by]

Structures of molecules can be difficult to piece together at first when you are just starting in an organic chemistry class. Hopefully you retained some of this knowledge from general chemistry. If not, one of the tricks that can greatly help with this is to know the uncharged or “normal” state for atoms that are

Know the “normal” state for common organic atoms [3 rules to live by] Read More »

Steps of a Free Radical Reactions [simplified – with a great diagram]

The steps of free radical reactions in 2022 This is one of the best depictions of the steps of free radical reactions I have seen.   It shows what can go on in this reactions and how we get from starting material to desired final product. Radical reactions: a quick overview first. A radical reaction is a

Steps of a Free Radical Reactions [simplified – with a great diagram] Read More »

What is a hydrogen bond? [With free chemistry study guide]

What is a hydrogen bond? A hydrogen bond is an electrostatic attraction between an electronegative atom (one that has lone pair electrons) and a hydrogen atom bound to an electronegative atom. Because the electronegative atom has lone pair electrons and steals some electron density from other places, it takes on a partial negative charge, symbolized

What is a hydrogen bond? [With free chemistry study guide] Read More »